Boat Trip on the Thames

Created by Angela 3 years ago

At St Johns Priory we had a Residence Association in which I was Chairman we booked a river boat trip  on Thames

in August 2013 in which both Nick & Jillian plus quite a few Residences turned up, it was on the return journey that

I got up to thank everyone when Jillian whispered in my ear that it was Nick's birthday so I told everybody that we have a

special occasion & announced that it was Nick's birthday so everybody sang happy birthday to him, you have seen his face

it was a picture it' something I will never forget especially when Jillian brought round the birthday cake.

Nick was also my drinking partner which I have now lost but whenever we went for a beer & Nick was first there you

could always bet that a beer would be on the bar waiting for you. There are plenty more memories that I will cherish.

I am going to miss you mate so long.
