Laura 8th February 2021

I'm so, so sad to hear of Nick's passing. Nick got in touch with me in 2016 as a Weaver relative/descendant and we struck up a correspondence over our shared love of family history (we were 5th cousins once removed, descended from David Weaver 1762-1823). He was so incredibly generous to me and my Weaver family here in Australia (dotted around South Australia, Victoria, the Northern Territory and Queensland) and shared his amazing Weaver family tree (of which myself and my family appear). How precious and infinitely special to have known Nick for such a short but fulfilling time and to be the beneficiaries of such a treasure that this tree is. I had been out of touch with Nick since early 2017 and only a few days ago was remembering our corrospondence and the tree with some other family members, when I decided to send him an email to reconnect and see if there had been any developments in the tree. I was then having a cup of tea with my mum (Julie Meyer nee Weaver - 4th cousin once removed) and telling her when I had the feeling I should perhaps Google Nick as I thought gosh I hope he's still well and nothing has happened. We were floored and so saddened to discover that he had passed - I had only just sent the email wishing him good health and to stay safe - I can't believe that he won't ever get that email. I wish I'd contacted him so much sooner. Vale Nick. Thank you so much for what you gave my little cluster of Weavers and I, you will forever be remembered fondly and with love. Laura Meyer Creswick, VIC, Australia