Nigel Chute 28th January 2021

It was Chris who introduced me to Nick only a year ago, and in that time I only actually met him once (in the pub!). However since then we developed a rapport and ultimately I would say friendship which has been an enormous support to me. It is in respect of one particular enterprise that I am particularly indebted for Nick’s help – a voluntary initiative during lockdown for young people called The Cotswold Challenge. Since the founders of this enterprise (including Chris Roberts) launched the scheme last spring Nick provided continuous encouragement and advice which really made all the difference. Nick also provided me with some quite invaluable introductions to his network, always going the extra mile. Nick used to phone me quite frequently and we’d try and put the world to rights! I very much miss those phone calls; in the likely event that we run The Cotswold Challenge again this year, I’ll reflect back on our chats which I’m sure will help give me that extra boost when it counts! Top man, big shoes to fill, God bless him and you his family.