Gareth Jones, Emmanuel geographer 1970-73

Hello, Gareth Jones here, one of the Emma Geography cohort 1970 to 1973 and friend of Nick's. I heard the sad news via the College and Nigel Gates a fellow member of a very special cohort that kept in touch over the years since leaving Emma; last saw Nick at the reunion he last attended in Emma. As a 75 year old now, a 24 year old in 1970,(Nigel and I were the 2 mature students in the group), I look back on our years together with great fondness. We last saw him at the last Emma Geographers' re-union that he attended and in fact Gill my wife sat next to Nick at the dinner and chatted away as if the intervening years had just dropped away. As a married student I lived with Gill out of college and we often hosted the youngsters at soirees at our house in Hertford St. Nick and the rest of the Geography group were regular attenders. I only have to close my eyes and I can still hear his very distinctive voice even after all these years.